Warning Issued For High Potency Marijuana

There is no denying that marijuana is much more acceptable today than it was a few short decades ago. But it is important to note that the drug itself has evolved and new strains have emerged with a much stronger potency than years before. In fact, some of the higher level tetrahydracannabinol (or THC) compounds can reportedly lead to severe anxiety issues and addiction; particularly during this stressful time of quarantines.


CNN recently covered this topic in a piece written by their medical expert Sandee LaMotte. In it, she describes just how potent certain weed strains have become. 20 years ago, for example, typical marijuana THC counts were around 2 to 4 percent. Now at local dispensaries, you’ll find compounds testing as high as 37 percent.


LaMotte went on to reference a newly published study from the JAMA Psychiatry Journal, which surveyed more than 1,000 marijuana users over the past year. Participants who used high potency weed had a significantly higher likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder, the research showed.


Addictions were addressed as well, with high potency smokers showing a stronger propensity to use weed more than once a week. They were also twice as likely to have abused illicit substances over the past year.


The JAMA authors were quoted in the CNN article, offering a stern warning to those who consume high potency marijuana.


“To our knowledge, this study provides the first general population evidence suggesting that the use of high-potency cannabis is associated with mental health [disorders] and addiction,” they explained.  “Limiting the availability of high-potency cannabis may be associated with a reduction in the number of individuals who develop cannabis use disorders, the prevention of cannabis use from escalating to a regular behavior, and a reduction in the risk of mental health disorders.”
Interestingly, the research also revealed some demographic data points when it comes to high potency marijuana. It appears as though those who do consume larger quantities of THC tend to be male and come from lower socioeconomic upbringings. They also form their habits at an earlier age and show a much stronger likelihood to form a dependency.
And let us keep in mind that the COVID-19 situation is leading many more people to form addictive habits, with a key reason being “stress relief.” In our opinion, it is very important to get this information out there and educate the public at large about the risks surrounding even “casual” recreational drug use.


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