Why You Should Consider 30 Day Inpatient Rehab

Before diving into 30-day inpatient rehab, it’s important to know that whichever option you ultimately end up going with for yourself or a loved one, it needs to be predicated on what’s best for that particular person.

30 days might be expeditious and convenient from a time perspective but in some cases, like with severe addiction, it simply might not be enough to do the job thoroughly.

That said, 30-day rehab is a life-changing and wonderful choice for a great many people.

What Is A 30 Day Inpatient Rehab?

On a basic level let’s first cover what the inpatient part of inpatient rehab means on its own is. It’s a type of treatment program in which you live at the facility. In the case of 30-day inpatient care, that would be for 30 days.

In essence, this is a short-term program and the most “convenient” for folks. We put convenience in quotes because rarely is uprooting your life advertised as convenient. It’s tough but extremely worth it, and we want to be honest about that.

Now that we’ve covered inpatient, what does the rehab portion entail?

The cornerstone and hallmark of any evidenced-based program is the work done with counselors both on an individual level and in group therapy. This is personalized to each individual person as per their circumstances and addiction. It’s about diving deep in the mind and getting to the root of addictive behavior and the triggers that cause it.

In addition to the tried and true talk therapy methods, some programs offer complementary treatment, otherwise known as alternative therapy. Things like reiki, hypnotherapy, music and art therapy fall under this umbrella.

Taken together these form a holistic inpatient experience.

Before any of that can happen though, there’s one extremely important and necessary step that has to be taken first: detox.

Detox is something that takes time and the real work of recovery can’t start in earnest until detoxification happens which is why it bears repeating that 30-day programs aren’t recommended for those with severe addiction.

For those with milder addictions, the benefits of a 30-day program can be huge though.

Benefits of Going to a 30 Day Rehab

For starters, 30 days is long enough that a person with a more manageable addiction can get through the detox portion and into the proper rehab part of things. In other words, you can get clean, get the intensive and focused care you need and deserve, all without a time commitment that is hard to handle.

The total lack of distractions is helpful beyond measure. When there’s nothing else going on except the laser-like focus on sobriety, it makes committing and buying into the process a lot easier.

The fact that it’s 30 days, basically 4 weeks, is particularly important for people as well. Let’s face it, some of us genuinely can’t spare more time but desperately need the rigorous care an inpatient facility provides. This option for them.

Seek Treatment With Us at Valley Recovery Center

Keep in mind that treatment doesn’t stop after inpatient care ends. No, no, no. This functions as a jumping-off point for your lifelong journey of recovery. After completing 30 days and transitioning back to your daily life, you can continue treatment in the form of outpatient care or aftercare. You can, and should, find your way into support groups and 12 step programs to keep on the right track.

In the end, what matters is beating addiction and in reality, there’s more than one way to do it. 30-day inpatient rehab is a great choice for some but if you need 60 days or even 90 days, that’s fine too. Whatever works. Give us a call at Valley Recovery Center and let’s figure out the best option for you or your loved one together.


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