Located just north of Los Angeles, Santa Clarita is an idyllic slice of Southern California nestled in a peaceful valley. A respite and retreat from the hustle and bustle of LA and a serene area in which to seek therapy for addiction.

Types of Services Offered at Valley Recovery Center

Here at Valley Recovery Center, our Santa Clarita therapy for addiction, is based exclusively on your needs. Of course, each instance of substance abuse is different and so is every person, because of that we create a highly customized and individualized treatment plan for each patient.

At the end of the day, the road to recovery isn’t the same for everyone and recognizing that is critical to giving you the best chance at lasting sobriety.

No matter where you are along the path, Valley Recovery Center can support you on the way with a wide range of services.


While addiction is known to be a mental disorder, it very much has a clear physical component too. Breaking that physical dependency on drugs or alcohol is, therefore, the first step in anyone’s recovery process.

Here at VRC, you’ll be able to undergo detox to do just that.

Residential Inpatient Care

After the substances have been properly flushed out of your system, you’ve gone through the withdrawal and are in a stable state, it’s time to get into the mental side of addiction.

We offer 30-, 60- and 90-day residential inpatient care at Valley Recovery Center. The duration that’s best for you is decided purely on your personal circumstances and not some sort of blanket solution. 

The way it typically works is that a 30-day program is for those that aren’t as heavily addicted or have minimal time to commit. The 60-day program is more robust and in-depth. Our 90-day program is the most thorough we offer and it’s reserved for those with the heaviest and most severe addiction.

Dual Diagnosis

Substance abuse disorders frequently co-occur with mental health issues. This is where Santa Clarita therapy for addiction really comes into play. Naturally, treating one problem while not even considering the other is a recipe for a relapse because they tend to work off each other, addiction often being driven by a mental disorder in fact.

Be it depression, PTSD, a personality disorder or any other type of mental illness, a dual diagnosis program combines treatment for substance abuse with care for mental health throughout.

Importantly, to be allowed to administer dual diagnosis treatment, clinicians need to have additional training and accreditation, which the team at Valley Recovery Center has.


Treatment might have an end date but the work of recovery and maintaining sobriety is a lifelong pursuit. Aftercare is there to help you stay successful and avoid relapse and there are options for everyone.

At VRC, aftercare includes:

  • Monthly follow-ups (ongoing)
  • Setting up appointments for medical help
  • Setting up appointments for legal help
  • Referrals to outpatient treatment programs
  • Alumni online social groups
  • Alumni events in Santa Clarita

Why You Should Pursue Santa Clarita Therapy for Addiction at VRC

Treatment for addiction isn’t a one size fits all proposition, our all men’s rehab considers the whole man and crafts a program that’s best suited for their needs.

In addition to the aforementioned services, Santa Clarita based therapy at VRC incorporates:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Holistic healing
  • Private monitoring
  • Family programs
  • Crisis counseling

Moreover, our aptly named rehab facility, Valley Recovery Center, takes advantage of the natural beauty that surrounds us. With easy access to hiking, beaches & parks, recreational activities are offered daily. 

If a man in your life is struggling to overcome addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about the solutions we offer. Recovery is possible and it’s only a call away.




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